Friday, May 27, 2011

Summertime, Summertime!

School is officially out for the summer!  The boys are so excited!

They ended up on such a good note with school.  They both have Mostly A's with just a few B's.  Tater Tot said he is going to have all A's with an 89% B in Reading.  Small Fry pulled his grades up after having a hard time this year to all A's and B's and I am sooo proud of him.  He worked so hard and really stuck to his work and turning in his homework.  He was really shooting for all B's but brought some of those up to a high A.  He got a 99% in Science so I told him he probably needs to be a Doctor!

I'm not working part-time anymore since my Mom's health is still not getting any better and she's falling all of the time for no real reason.  I just feel better being home to take care of my babies and my Mom.  She sacrificed and took care of me so I feel like its a honor to take care of her.  I don't want her to lose her independence but I need to stick close to home, which is only a couple of miles from her, just in case she needs me.

We don't have big plans for the summer, just hanging out and swimming in the pool. 

I'm going to try to keep the boys working on something educational at least a couple of days a week so their brains don't go to mush!

We hope to see a few Tulsa Drillers games.  They built a new stadium last year and I've still never been to a game.  Mr. H, however, sits 28 floors above the stadium about a block away so he gets to see the stadium everytime they play baseball.  That's a pretty cool thing!

Right now, I'm going to take a nap because it's the middle of the afternoon and it's summertime!

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